themotel | Mathew Clayton | undefined

Dearest Friends & Moteliers,

Two years writing the memoir. It's been so time consuming and immersive that I often plan to - but totally forget - to give you an update. 

To make matters more complicated over the holidays our publishers relaunched their website, leaving all their authors unable to send out any news to their highly valued pledgers.

Everything is now up and running, praise the Lord. For those who didn't read this on social media - this is where we are…

I'm happy to tell you that we find ourselves on the final stretch ~ with only three more chapters to write ~ Hallelujah!

Just like the creation & delivery of its subject matter ~ writing THE MOTEL: High Times In 90’s Ibiza, has been an around-the-clock funny, sad, stimulating, exhausting & at times maddening endeavour.

Recent chapters include stories built on extensive research, fact checking & interviews with the inmates and intimate Manumission and Motel circle.

This book is intended to be an entertaining yet truthful time capsule honestly reflecting on the lives and adventures of a nonconformist tribe. 

In the hope that if it is picked up 200 years from now it might even be viewed as an anthropological study. A humorous guide to an alternative way of life. God knows how repressed people will be in the future or what more freedoms will be taken away!?

The finale sees Howard Marks aka Mr Nice and Jon Carter’s Monkey Mafia, entangle with the Manumission massive from entertainers to New Yorkers, music industry darlings & fresh faced Radio 1 DJs as the sweat drips off the low slung ceiling of the pink pussy strip joint, the rooftop shantytown swells into existence & secrets and stimulants are shared in the graffiti stained corridors. 

Some fall in love over the wheels of steel. The rest of us fall into a psychedelic black spot…

I thank you once again for your patience while we finish the remaining chapters. I promise you that it will be worth the wait. 

We only have one chance to write this and we really want it to be the best it possibly can be.

Our publisher has this to say about the book:

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