Bark & Stone,Feather,feather-leaf-bark-stone,Leaf | Jackie Morris | undefined

Days are spent in quiet reading by fireside, walking with dogs and painting. And thinking and playing. And while lockdown suits my soul I am well aware that it isn't the same for others. I've friends with shops who have stocked for half term only to find themselves closed. Solva Woollen Mill have copies of all my books in print, signed, as well as beautiful rugs and woollen items and also, oh my, kittens! Have a browse around in their website. The mill is such a beautiful place. There's a grey wagtail down there most days at the moment and dippers, kingfisher, heron and now and again even an otter.


I've been working, writing, painting, thinking, reading. There are not enough hours in the day. Reading Witch by Finbar Hawkins and can only conclude that he is part witch as he makes characters with ink and a world that builds around you. A wonderful debut book, it should be set to win many prizes, and I really hope it finds its readers. It's branded as a children's book, but is simply a very good book, for any age. Fierce, wild, witchy and wonderful. A unique new voice telling an old, dark tale.


I'm hoping that when The Space Between is designed each piece of gold will sit on the right hand page. The left will be left free of all but odd captions, titles. There should be some illustrations, I think. I am hoping that some people will use this space to write into. Or draw. But it also will be complete as it is.

I asked a friend if she had written in her Silent Unwinding. She said no. When I asked her why she said that she had nothing interesting to say. So sad this made me feel. She is a beautiful woman, with much to say. So, if you have a Silent Unwinding and haven't yet used it, try this:

During the passing hours of a day, now and again, just stop, look, listen. See if you get snagged on birdsong, caught by teh fall of light, or simply see something, hear something, beautiful. Often these beautiful moments can be as mundane as seeing two people hand in hand- though this feels so precious these days. Then take time to note, one, two, three small things. No one else need read it. You can share on social media if you wish, but also you can keep it to yourself.

Look to the light, the bright, the beautiful and dwell in those moments.

My copy looks messy these days, more written in than drawn. Often thoughts for The Space Between. Sometimes quotes from poetry.

The Unwinding trade edition sold out after Maria Popova's wonderful piece in Brainpickings, but it is reprinting and I know indie shops still have it in, and The Silent Unwinding too. There is also a new 'Special Edition' coming soon, only available through independent bookshops.

I'm distracted by doing many international and UK festivals at the moment. Yesterday it was Ottawa festival. Somehow this was both laid back and intense at the same time. And the painting I did in the summer at Hay Festival will soon be for sale ( if I can find it ) You can still see this event online and for £10 sign up to the Hayplayer for access to all their events online.

Favoured typewriter of the moment is Olympia, made in Germany, quiet and with a beautiful action.

I leave you with another snippet. This is one part of three:

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