Jaki Liebezeit: Life,jaki-liebezeit,Theory and Practice of a Master Drummer | Jono Podmore | undefined
Hi everyone
No matter how well proof read and pored over, all books end up with a few typos and errors when they hit the shelves and our book is no exception.
Since publication we've identified around 10 of these.
Policy at Unbound is to repair the errors with each reprint of the paperback (or trade run) and as one reprint has already taken place most of the issues listed here have now been fixed.
But for those of you who pledged for and recieved copies of the hardback, here's the list of errata to clear up any confusion.
Corrections are in bold
Chapter 1
"Holger and Jaki were able to co-produce an entire album in the Can Studio by German musician Alex..."
Alex Wiska was a German musician who had lived and worked in Turkey from 1970 - 73 and brought Türk Rock back to Germany with him.
Chapter 2
p.67 - in figure 1c - the first accent is in the wrong place. It should be over the previous dot (after the first dash).
It should appear like this:
p.80 - In figure 15.2 the last accents on the lines "Player 1" & "Player 2" are unecessary. The figure should appear like this:
Chapter 4
An entire paragraph has suffered from transcription then translation errors
It should read:
"It is, therefore, a 12/8 bar, and it’s distributed like a triad in 5 + 4 + 3. This is just like in a twelve-tone scale where I divide the scale according to this ratio. Down here I have five semitones counting from C and F, from F to A is four, and then come the remaining three: A, Bb, B; that would be the division 5 + 4 + 3."
p.211 Globe Unity Orchestra – Globe Unity ’67 & ’70
Jaki Liebezeit - drums…
p.217 Can – Turtles Have Short Legs
Jaki Liebezeit – drums...
p.218 Can – Moonshake / Future Days
Jaki Liebezeit – drums...
p.234 Mauro Pagani – Sogno Di Una Notte D’Estate Original Soundtrack
Claudio Bazzari – chitarra elettrica, Giorgio Cocilovo – chitarra elettrica...
p.243 Kagermann – Hinter Den Wolken
Volker Vaeßen – bass/computer programmierung, Klaus Eisner – bass/computer programmierung...
p. 281 the drums on the Mathias Modica album were recorded by Reinhard Kobialka at Topaz studios where the photo on p.283 was also taken.
- and that's it! I hope these errors haven't spoiled your enjoyment of the book and I'm sure this is now all cleared up.
Meanwhile tickets are still available for the London launch party on Friday March 27th:
Any further errata can be discussed on the night!
Jono Podmore