Across Time and Space,time-and-space | Tony Cross | undefined

Hello all, 

Another update! 

This one is to point you in the direction of a new documentary, Doctor Who Am I, directed by Matthew Jacobs and Vanessa Yuille. Some of you may recognise Matthew Jacobs' name. He wrote the script for the 1996 TV Movie. That isn't his only Doctor Who connection. His father, Anthony Jacobs was an actor who played Doc Holliday in The Gunfighters, alongside William Hartnell. As a ten-year-old Matthew was taken to the studio and watched some of the filming.

This documentary is Matthew's entry into the world of Doctor Who fandom as he attends his first convention. He is slightly afraid that Doctor Who fans hate him because The TV Movie includes the first Doctor - Companion kiss and the 'half-human' thing. He turns this into a quest to understand fandom and his place in it. 

I wrote a full review on The Dreamcage - - which you are welcome to read but to cut a long story short I think it is worth a watch if you're a Doctor Who fan. It is North American focused and there are - in my opinion - still some differences between the two but not as much as I think there used to be.

My thoughts on the TV Movie have changed over time. I mostly enjoyed it on broadcast, but found it a bit too American for my taste. I did think Paul McGann would have made a superb Doctor, which his appearances on Big Finish and his occassional small appearances in New Doctor Who have proved that to be correct. However, as time goes by I have enjoyed it a little more each time. I have particularly grown to enjoy Eric Roberts's take on the Master. It has flaws, but it is fun.

I was lucky to see it on the big screen at the BFI during the 50th Anniversary celebrations, which made it feel particularly cinematic. 

So, I thought - if you didn't already know about it - I'd flag it up. 

Have a lovely weekend all.


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