wonders-and-visions | Flo Garnett | undefined

Dear all,

Working on Wonders and Visions has been a long journey, but we think we’re finally nearing the end. The book was originally conceived before the Covid pandemic, but only reached its funding goals in 2023. (The costs of a book like this, which will have full-colour printing throughout, are of course significantly higher than for a non-illustrated one. We’ve also needed to factor in the cost of permissions payments for the artwork we hope to use.)

Since then, Adam and I have been getting out acts together: researching, talking to colleagues in the field, lobbing art and ideas back and forth. We now have a concrete plan for the book – both in terms of its larger structure and the sorts of detailed arguments we want to make. We also have a list of art that we want to use, although this of course is subject to the permissions we need being granted. Our hope is to complete the bulk of the writing over this autumn. And then…. Well, we’ll keep you posted here.

We’re enormously grateful for all our supporters’ enthusiasm for the project, and hope it’ll be justified when the book finally emerges.

Kind regards,

Graham Sleight 

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