hushkit2,The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes Volume 2 | Imogen Denny | undefined

Dear Hush-Kit book supporter,
I'm imagining you're now sheltering from the sweltering heat, one hand holding a dripping hotdog, beneath the wing of a Sunderland. Or, perhaps you are lying on the wing of a Mirage 2000, cigarette in mouth, drinking whisky and discussing poetry with your concubine. Wherever you find yourself today, I hope you're doing well. I realise I've been so preoccupied with working on the books I haven't updated you in a while. So here's what's going on: 
Hush-Kit Vol 1: available.
Hush-Kit Vol 2: entering the design stage this month and available to pre-order. I have gone the extra mile with this one: it is jammed with incredible artwork, interviews, stories and photographs – and some truly questionable puns. Here's the latest version of the front cover which looks freaking great. I think we can all agree:
The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes Volume 2
Hush-Kit Vol 3: as of today, this is 32% funded, as soon as it reaches 100% work can commence in earnest. If you are yet to support it, now is a good moment as there is currently a 15% discount with code BOOKCLUB15. If you have already pre-ordered this, a big thank you – you can speed things up by cajoling everyone aeronautical in your life not to dawdle and get their pre-order in now. 
Thanks again for making this all possible.
Yours in the cockpit of destiny, 
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