craftivist-collective-handbook | Sarah Corbett | undefined

Dear gentle Craftivists and supporters, 

I always see respectful challenging questions as a gift: an opportunity for me to stop and check my intentions, values and strategies in our work. Often the question comes from someone directly affected by the issue they have raised and I am always grateful for their honest vulnerability, time and energy to share their concern especially when it can be upsetting for them. 

On Monday I received an important question from Christine via Twitter. I wanted to share our dialogue in case any of you also had similar ethical concerns and hesitations for supporting this unique crowdfunding campaign:

Christine's question

“Hi Sarah - I love so much about Craftivists. I want to support [Craftivist Handbook] but I also want to know if your contributors are all white. I know that is direct, but part of my frustration with social justice movements that are a little quirky, a little left field, - green - tend to be overwhelmingly white. Before I decide how to support your project, can you let me know how you're addressing diversity in your project?” 

My honest answer:

“Thanks for your honest question Christine & I share your concern. 

I don’t know everyone personally of the 700+ financial supporters of the crowdfunding campaign so far but I can say I know some who are not white. The book is also expensive to make because I have demanded that:

1. The photographs of hands crafting the 20 projects are diverse in age, race and gender to be as inclusive as possible 

2. The contributions from craftivists around the world to be included in the book will also be highly curated to show diversity and encourage audiences who may not feel represented or invited to existing craft, activism or craftivism groups 

3. Momtaz Begum-Hossain is our paid colour-therapist contributor for the book creating our Gentle Protest colour palette and she has been part of the Collective from the early days & will bring so much to this book. 

4. Our quotes and case studies will include voices from different contexts and perspectives around the world to encourage solidarity not sympathy. 

I said no to attractive advances from 6 publishers who did not share our mutual concerns and wanted a simpler & cheaper-to-produce book which is why I have to crowdfund for the finances and am working with Unbound: experts in bespoke books to create the best book possible for our growing global audience. 

I hope that reassure you and thanks again for your thoughtful question.

Sarah x
Author of Craftivist Collective Handbook *IF* we reach the funding target. 

Christine’s reply:

“ Thank you, Sarah. You will have my support x“


The book may not be perfect for every reader but I can promise you that I will try my very hardest for this book to be as inclusive, inspiring and empowering as possible and for every reader to feel part of our growing community of crafty gentle protesters. 

Thank you to Christine and you in this community of 706 supporters of this crowdfunding project so far. We are currently on 55% of the target and need your help to please share with people you think might like to be part of making this book a reality and can afford to support or share. The sooner we reach the target, the sooner we can make this beautiful and useful book to be a catalyst for positive change in our messy world. And the sooner I will stop bugging you with this fundraising campaign!;p 


All my respect and admiration as always

Sarah, author of Craftivist Collective Handbook *IF* we reach the target 


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