Bark & Stone,Feather,feather-leaf-bark-stone,Leaf | Jackie Morris | undefined

There's so many things I have wanted to write about over time, but there have been so many demands on my time, and I have guarded my painting time fiercely. I'm working hard on the Book of Birds, with the fear that even though the deadline is so far away I have so much to do. 

I'm going to write a piece about Feather, Leaf, Bark & Stone for my daughter's Peregrination. As a young writer and artist and scientist she is at the stage of submitting final edits for her first book, Move Like Water. Her patreon is a way of funding her writing further, and it is beautiful. This, like Unbound, is not a new idea, but one that has been used for writers for centuries. Do take a look.

Meanwhile, there is a beautiful film from Seven Fables, made while we were at Druidstone Hotel.... 

Follow this link to watch the film.

I'm going to the warehouse in Basingstoke 14th June to sign the books, then up to The Sage in Gateshead to meet up with Spellsongs and complete our tour. The Gateshead gig was cancelled due to storm damage. Meanwhile, here are a few photos of the book. I have yet to feel the heft of it in the hand. After the gig I will be in Bournemouth at The Russell Coates Museum, for the Lost Words exhibition, and then at Wealden Festival to launch Feather, Leaf, with John Mitchinson.

John Mitchinson showed me a copy. He was so excited to be finally able to see whether all we had hoped for had been realised in the making of this curious object. 

Meanwhile, below, a sneak peak of the design progress for Accordion Books. These should be out for the week of 8th October. And then I will start work on a hare, and maybe a hound version. Or, perhaps, owl.

I need to thank you all, for having the faith in me that I could ( I hope I have) deliver something different. I've never made anything like this before, and the making and moulding of it was a real soul's ease, which I hope transfers through to the reading and experiencing of it. Your grace and kindness and belief in me made this publication possible. So, thank you. I look forward to seeing the book arrive in your hands, where it will begin to live.

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