all-my-worldly-joy | Imogen Denny | undefined

Dear friends,
While we were still crowdfunding this book, many of these updates were light on news. 'Hello,' I would write to you. 'I'm still alive. Still crowdfunding. Not much else to report.' Now, though, the news is coming thick and fast. There's so much news I'm going to put it into bullet points. Strap in!
  • All My Worldly Joy will be published on 20 March 2025 – just in time for Mother's Day. That means you'll receive your copy on or around that date. I'm going to make a public announcement soon but I wanted to let you know first of all.
  • Not only that, but Unbound has decided that All My Worldly Joy will go into US and international distribution. The international release date will be 24 June 2025. I didn't expect this at all. It means that the Unbound team thinks that the book is good and that people will want to buy it. Even if that prediction turns out not to be correct, it's a great compliment from people whose judgement I respect and I'm thrilled.
  • The supporter list will close on Tuesday, 10 September at 4 p.m. After that date, people can still pre-order a copy but they won't get their names in the back of the book or any of the other perks on offer. If you know someone who would like to read this book, now would be a great time to spread the word. Thank you!
  • In a few weeks, you'll get an email from Unbound asking you to confirm the name that appears in the supporter list at the back of the book. If you want to make changes for any reason, you can follow the link to do that. I'm aware that these emails don't always reach people, due to overzealous spam and marketing filters, especially for those who signed up with a university email address, so I will do my best to notify those I know about and shout from the rooftops on social media.
  • We've been approaching the great and the good for endorsements that we can put on the cover and use to promote All My Worldly Joy. I don't have anything I can share with you just yet but it's coming  – watch this space!
  • I'm starting to think about a book launch and I would be thankful for any ideas or suggestions you might have, especially if you have any contacts that might help me to secure a venue for not too much money. The main launch will probably be in central London, but I'm conscious of just how inaccessible that is for a lot of people, so I'm hoping to supplement with smaller events in other locations. I'd like to do something in or near Southampton so that my family can be there. I might also pay a visit to some of my favourite maternal mental health charities that I work with. Possibly something online as well? I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
  • Finally, I have the final, final proofs to review and I'm going to send those back in the next few weeks. 
This is really happening!  Thank you again for your support. More soon, I expect.
With love,
Laura x
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