a-gothic-cookbook | Ella Buchan and Dr Alessandra Pino, with illustrations by Lee Henry | undefined

Spooky season is here at last! To celebrate, we'll be posting tricks and treats (mostly treats) every day, advent-style. There will be cooking tips, recipe inspiration, spooky facts, discount codes, videos and sneak peeks of what we're cooking/writing/drawing.

Our illustrator Lee has created this creepily brilliant (or brilliantly creepy) hand-drawn image to mark each day from 1-31. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok @AGothicCookbook to join in the Halloween countdown.

As ever, thank you so much to everyone who has believed in and supported the cookbook so far. Please do share with anyone interested in cooking, literature, the Gothic and general spookiness - we always get a little boost when you do.

See you on the dark side!

Ella, Allie & Lee

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