a-gothic-cookbook | Ella Buchan and Dr Alessandra Pino, with illustrations by Lee Henry | undefined

Hello everyone,

Just a note to say thank you to all of our supporters so far. We're not quite a month into funding and are close to a third of the way there, so hopefully it shouldn't be long until our beautifully illustrated cookbook goes into production.

The quicker we reach our funding target, the quicker you get your hands on the world's first comprehensive cookbook inspired by food in Gothic literature. 

We appreciate any ways people can share/shout/spread the word about A Gothic Cookbook and help get it into hands and kitchens quicker, such as:

  • Pledging, if you haven't already.
  • Sharing the link on social media and with anyone who might be interested – this makes a huge difference and is how many of our supporters have found out about the book.
  • Telling any friends, family members, colleagues, the server in your favourite cafe. Anyone who loves cooking, books, cooking the books, illustrations, food, Gothic literature...
  • If you have pledged, and of course if you can afford to, consider adding a donation or upgrading to one of the higher levels. We've just added Gothic Pet Portraits – bespoke hand-drawn illustrations of your beloved beagle/budgie/bunny by the book's artist, Lee Henry.

In the meantime, we're continuing to perfect the recipes that will feature in the book, sharing images and other content on Twitter and Instagram. Follow @agothiccookbook for updates and sneak peeks of recipes and artwork, plus musings on the edible and the Gothic.

And, finally, thank you for believing in our rather unusual cookbook!

Alessandra, Ella & Lee

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