legends-of-the-leaf | Jane Perrone | undefined

Are you looking forward to receiving your copy of Legends of the Leaf? Apologies if it feels like a million years since you pledged for this book. I feel exactly the same, but - phew! - the publiation date is now within sight - April 27 2023. As 'pledgers' you should get your copy through the post before everyone else - exact date to be confirmed, but I'll let you know when I have an update. 

Meanwhile, I had the chance to print out all the illustrations from the final proofs of the book the other day, and it reminded me of the fact that I haven't announced to you the names of the 25 iconic species yet.

The snapshot above shows all the species, created by Helen Entwisle, laid out on my lounge floor. They look amazing as a set (don't forget there is still time to upgrade your Unbound pledge to include a set of postcards of all the illustrations if you wish) but I am also delighted by the way some of them have been incorporated into the book cover. 

Here's the full list of 25 species:

Chapter one - Aegagropila linnaei, marimo moss balll
Chapter two - Aloe vera
Chapter three - Aspidistra elatior, the cast iron plant
Chapter four - Begonia maculata, the polka dot Begonia
Chapter five - Ceropegia woodii, string of hearts
Chapter six - Chlorophytum comosum, the Spider plant
Chapter seven - Crassula ovata, the jade tree
Chapter eight - Curio rowleyanus, string of pearls
Chapter nine - Dieffenbachia seguine, leopard lily
Chapter ten - Dionea muscipula, the Venus flytrap
Chapter eleven - Epipremnum aureum, devil’s ivy
Chapter twelve - Ficus lyrata, the fiddle leaf fig
Chapter thirteen - Hedera helix, English Ivy
Chapter fourteen - Howea forsteriana, the Kentia palm
Chapter fifteen - Hoya carnosa, the wax plant
Chapter sixteen - Lithops, the stone plant
Chapter seventeen - Monstera deliciosa, the swiss cheese plant
Chapter eighteen - Nephrolepis exaltata, the Boston fern
Chapter nineteen - Opuntia microdasys, the bunny ear cactus
Chapter twenty- Oxalis triangularis, the falseleaf shamrock
Chapter twenty one - Pilea peperomioides, the Chinese money plant
Chapter twenty two - Sansevieria trifasciata, the snake plant
Chapter twenty three  - Saxifraga stolonifera, the strawberry saxifrage
Chapter twenty four - Spathiphyllum, the peace lily
Chapter twenty five - Zamioculcas zamiifolia, the ZZ plant

I hope even the plants that you aren't excited about discovering will prove fascinating once you dive into each chapter. Do follow me on Instagram as @j.l.perrone where I'll be revealing fascinating snippets from the book to whet your appetite.

Thanks again for your unwavering support, and if you have any questions about your pledge, please drop Unbound support a line at support@unbound.com.

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