inclusion,Mind the Inclusion Gap | Suzy Levy | undefined
Today marks 10 weeks until the publication of Mind the Inclusion Gap. The Unbound team and I are all systems go as we work through the launch plan, the first print run, and shipping fulfillment.
Those of you who purchased a hardback copy will have seen an email from Unbound today announcing the decision to go straight to paperback, and not do any hardback print run. The decision was not an easy one, especially given how many people chose a hardback edition as their supporter package. But given our target market and the current economic climate, we agreed it was best to skip any hardback edition at this point. I know it will be disappointing for some, but I do hope you find some joy in knowing that part of the support you gave to Mind the Inclusion Gap with your purchase will now be going to a fund to support the next cadre of debut writers of colour. Meanwhile your copies of Mind the Inclusion Gap should arrive from the printer in mid-April and it will be with great delight that I get to see them shipped to each of you.
We are also building the sales and marketing engine for Mind the Inclusion Gap to ensure what’s inside goes as far and wide as possible. The final cover now includes a number of reviews from high-profile readers. As you can imagine, it is with great excitement and great trepidation to ask and receive a review of this sort. I have been overjoyed by the positive response I have received – and time and attention each reviewer has given the book.
As these final weeks tick down and we approach May 11, I will keep you updated on progress. Thanks for all the support you’ve given thus far. 69 days and counting…