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I Am Not a Wolf

By Dan Sheehan and Sage Coffey£10.99 + Shipping
Status: published
Publication Date: 12.11.2020Available
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About The Book

Life is good. You have a job, an apartment in a nice part of town, and an online dating profile that’s recently yielded as many as three matches. From the outside, it would appear you’re a human man who has all the elements of a stable and functional life. But you also have a horrible secret. You’re not a human man at all. You're a WOLF.

Assume the role of one of nature’s greatest predators, just barely maintaining a fake identity as a part of the human workforce. Each choice you make in this interactive story is crucial to your survival and, more importantly, your burgeoning graphic design career. Will you navigate water-cooler gossip without arousing suspicion? Can you go on a date without bringing up how much you love ham? Or is it perhaps time to throw this human life to the wind and return to the woods from whence you came? These choices and many, many more await you in I AM NOT A WOLF.

'Dan Sheehan – who is definitely not a wolf – has created a delicious adventure filled with humor, whimsy, and many, many meat references. I laughed until I howled. This novel is sure to be treasured by humans and wolves alike' Jennifer Wright, author and editor-at-large for Harper's Bazaar

'I've read I Am Not a Wolf several times, first as a multiverse, a kind of Oregon Trail where tearing out throats is an in-game option, and front-to-back as a kind of horsemeat Ulysses. It rings true either way. Roommates, ugh, am I right? There are no roommates in the woods' Steve Albini, musician, producer and music journalist

I loved this book so much that I read it straight through in one sitting! I think I would love it even more if I had flipped to the correct pages, like the book said to!!
Megan Amram, comedian, writer and producer of The Good Place

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