craftivist-collective-handbook | Sarah Corbett | undefined

Dear Crafivist Collective Handbook supporters, 


Eek! I have to send a big biiiiig THANK YOU for believing in and being the first to support this unique project book. Because of your speedy and kind support we've reached 52% of the target in less than 40 days since the launch. This will no doubt help attract more people to be part of making this beautiful book become a reality.  


The sooner we reach the target the sooner I can start writing the book and working with our epic team to complete our Gentle Protest Craftivism trilogy of books with this third, final and biggest of the series. I'm aiming for the book to realistically  be in your hands by in Spring or Autumn 2022 - sorry publishing is a slow process especialy for a big, beautiful and bold book like this unique one. But it will be worth the wait! 


I hope you are healthy, happy and finding some happy moments at this strange time. Thank you to everyone who has shared their support publically with the link either on social media and emails and with newsletter editors you know. Please do keep sharing if/when you can. It's a big help. 


Here are just a few lovely public tweets of support from members of this community that you may even recognise... 

  • @SarahBrownUK: I have just happily supported the Craftivist Collective Handbook by @Craftivists - this will be a brilliant and much needed project given current times 
  • @RobinTransition: The brilliant Sarah Corbett @Craftivists is crowdfunding through @unbounders to create the sequel to 'How to be a Craftivist'. Such a great project, and such great work. Do support the crowdfunder, with great rewards, at 
  • @LidnaStitt: My monthly gift to myself of an amazing book by amazing women artists. Nov - contributing to the crowdfund for this wee gem by @Craftivists at @Unbounders
  • @KabutakapuaEvery month I donate and share a part of my revenue for a cause I believe in or a project that deserves it. I'm not a millionaire, every little count. For me, it's a great way to show how thankful I am. In October I've contributed to this:… via @Craftivists
  • @callmeleighbee: Delighted to have supported Craftivist Collective Handbook by @Craftivists at @Unbounders. Sarah's work on #gentleprotest is extraordinarily graceful and much needed. Help her share more of her wisdom and practice so that others can take it up.


Stay tuned for more updates! Once we reach 100% I can start writng and sharing pages of the book with you and how craftivists around the world can submit content to be included in the handbook too- very exciting!


All my respect, appreciation and best wishes 

From author and gentle craftivist Sarah Corbett 


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