the-dancey-laguarde-reader | Imogen Denny | undefined

Hallo dear readers-to-be!
You might have discovered, in what I assume is your constant checking and rechecking of this web page, that we have updated the name of the D’Ancey LaGuarde Reader!
Yes indeed, as we progress with the internal art, the completion of the copy edit, and a formal request for more scenes of meaningful plot-based fingering on horseback, we have decided that we would like people to judge the book by its new cover.
We have decided on A Passion for Passion: A Delirious Love Letter to Romance, because we think it sums up the flavour of the book, (which some have described as 'Terry Pratchett via Bridgerton', and others have described as 'Like nothing I’ve read before, not necessarily in a bad way').
In addition, we didn’t believe people in bookshops would intuitively reach for the other suggested title, which was 'Sticky Yearning: A Throbbingly Intellectual Tour Through Many Mountainous Breasts (Bring Your Skis)'. Also, apparently Bear Grylls has dibs on that title for his next memoir.
So raise your chased goblets and drink a mouthful of toast to A Passion for Passion!
With Yearning,
Alice Fraser and D’Ancey LaGuarde
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