Across Time and Space is a journey through all of televised Doctor Who.
It began as a blog. I had decided to watch all of Doctor Who in order. Watching them in broadcast order allowed you to get into the rhythm of each era. You got used to the difference in style and pace of 60s TV compared to 70s TV and so on. Episodes I thought I didn't like, I enjoyed immensely. Stories that were well-loved I sometimes struggled with. But I enjoyed all of them even when I didn't think they were great. There was always something you could enjoy. Even if the plot made no sense. So, I thought it would be good to turn that blog into a book. A unofficial companion to Doctor Who.
It's not meant to be the final say on anything. They're my opinions. But I wanted something that might encourage others to take up the journey. To dip back into the William Hartnell era. Or find out why Sylvester McCoy is hard done by.
And I don't expect people to agree with my opinions. Indeed, I'd be disappointed if you did. You can mock my attempts to compare stories to Shakespeare plays. You can see through my blatant nostalgic love for Tom Baker and (almost) all his works. This is a book I want you to interact with. And if I can persuade anyone to love 'The Web Planet' as much as I do then I think my work will be done.
Across Time and Space
Tony Cross- Paperback£25.00
First edition paperback and the name of your choice printed in the subscribers’ list at the back of the book.
- Signed Paperback£35.00
Signed first edition paperback and the name of your choice printed in the subscribers’ list at the back of the book.
- Ebook Download£10.00
Digital copy of the book and the name of your choice printed in the subscribers’ list at the back of the book.
- Patron Bundle£250.00
Your name printed on a special Patrons page at the start of the book plus a signed paperback, Tony's Excel Spreadsheet and the ebook.
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Across Time and Space is a journey through all of televised Doctor Who.
It began as a blog. I had decided to watch all of Doctor Who in order. Watching them in broadcast order allowed you to get into the rhythm of each era. You got used to the difference in style and pace of 60s TV compared to 70s TV and so on. Episodes I thought I didn't like, I enjoyed immensely. Stories that were well-loved I sometimes struggled with. But I enjoyed all of them even when I didn't think they were great. There was always something you could enjoy. Even if the plot made no sense. So, I thought it would be good to turn that blog into a book. A unofficial companion to Doctor Who.
It's not meant to be the final say on anything. They're my opinions. But I wanted something that might encourage others to take up the journey. To dip back into the William Hartnell era. Or find out why Sylvester McCoy is hard done by.
And I don't expect people to agree with my opinions. Indeed, I'd be disappointed if you did. You can mock my attempts to compare stories to Shakespeare plays. You can see through my blatant nostalgic love for Tom Baker and (almost) all his works. This is a book I want you to interact with. And if I can persuade anyone to love 'The Web Planet' as much as I do then I think my work will be done.
After each review Tony has scored the story out of ten; there is also a space for readers to fill in their own scores.
About the author

Hi all, First of all, thank you for your patience. I have been working on the first draft for some time but issues around my own life - both mental and physical - have meant that this has taken longer...